Wednesday, February 2, 2011


up until 5 months ago, i slept on a twin-size bed. when i moved, i bought a queen, to share with 1. my puppy tofu (he's still too small to make it up on his own & mommy won't approve of him get'n on it whatsoever, so we'll see, i'll wait...nobody can stop him then...hehehe), 2. my clothes - dirty and/or clean, 3. my laptops, 4. loads of dust-collect'n junk, etc., 5. my pillows & blankets, of course, and 6. MY DESSERT COOKBOOKS!!!!!

i have sooooo many books that i feel that they may weigh down the 86-yr old house & cause more disleveling. therefore, i sold a whole bunch online & put some in the basement. there are still wayyyyy more sit'n in my closet & in my bed drawer (i can get pretty obsessive with collect'n things. hoarder? me? maybe.). the books (cookbooks) i'm obsess'd with (pictured) stay in my bed drawer & sometimes spend night after night with me. all of them are Japanese, with exception of one in Korean & two in Chinese. geared with a few years of spending Sundays at Chinese school, a few months studying Korean in Seoul & a few months of studying Japanese in Tokyo, i half-cluelessly study the recipes day-in and day-out. i flip & flip through them a lot, but have only attempt'd a few recipes from them. with this blog, i hope to challenge myself to attempting & succeeding at more recipes. even when i follow recipes in plain English, things don't always turn out as expect'd, so it's even harder when the recipes are not in English, but i enjoy every aspect of the challenge.

i really look forward to sharing my 「スイーツの記憶」- "memories of sweets" - with everyone.

stay tuned. =D

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