Monday, April 25, 2011

「ハッピーバースデー」Happy Birthday!!!

some 50+ yrs ago, on april 24, my step-uncle was born. then 30+ yrs later on april 24 in 1982 my Mommy & her best friend Auntie Mei had a son & a daughter, respectively, while sharing the same hospital room. One year later, on april 24 in 1983 my Mommy's older sister & my Mommy's other best friend Mommy Zhen had a son & a daughter, respectively.

story goes on...

6 yrs later, on april 24 in 1989, my Mommy coincidentally went into labor this day, but my little brother did not want to share his birthday with everyone, so he decided to come into the world @ 1 am, so he was born april 25.


Happy Birthday to all of you!!!!!!

i made 2 birthday cakes for 2 of the people above - my best friend since birth Julie (Mommy Zhen's) & my little brother.

for julie, a tiramisu charlotte trifle

for wilson, a chocolate cake featuring domo-kun

to update with more pix another day...hehe. BED TIME!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

「桜と抹茶のマカロン」Cherry Blossom Macarons with Green Tea Buttercream

finally completed 1st attempt @ macarons!

baked 3 different sets 3 different ways & ONE set has feet! WOOHOO!!! the AirBake tray batch had a little bit of feet, but that made my day!!!

i end'd up aging my egg whites for 5 days, so i consider'd toss'n them out, BUT i couldn't! i love eggs! can't waste them. so...

@ 9:30 pm, i setup shop in the basement on top of the washer, so as to not wake my Pops.

here's the final product after all that macaronnage'n/macaronner'n. hehe.

ready to bake. into the small oven u go.

sakura flavor with maccha on top.

plain sakura flavor'd with sakura extract

sakura sakura - sakura flavor with sakura sugar - sugar with dried sakura flower petals & leaves

my feet-less macarons

these have feet!!! thank u AirBake!!!

boobie pads? LOL!

can u spot a very dirty pup? Yup tofupuppy likes to snooze in the kitchen doorway with all the smelly dirty shoes. silly puppy!

more pictures in the morning!!!

[update] more pictures!!!

very simple yet delicious 抹茶 buttercream


set up shop out in the yard with tons of props, then it start'd rain'n. yes, showers are expect'd: April Showers bring May Flowers.

bought this lovely bunny set in Hiroshima during 2009


bought this lovely bunny set (bunny not shown) from Tokai @ Porter Exchange.

here's my favorite shot while browsing thru my camera

my pretty Hello Kitty tea cup from either Hiroshima or Kyoto

which one do u prefer: sakura macarons with sakura flowers & leaves sprinkled on top or sakura macarons with maccha sprinkled on top?

Sakura Macarons
(original recipes from I Love Macarons by Hisako Ogita)

2/3 cup ground almonds
1 1/2 cup powder'd sugar
3 large egg whites, @ room temperature (i aged mine's 4-5 days...hehe)
5 T granulated sugar
1 t sakura extract (original recipe uses vanilla extract)

1. in a food processor, grind almond flour & powder'd sugar together, then sift twice (took me an hour to sift once, so i just sift'd once, guess my strainer was too fine)
2. in a bowl, beat egg whites on high until foamy, gradually add granulated sugar, beat until stiff & glossy, add sakura extract, beat until mix'd in
3. add half of the almond sugar mixture, stir, add the rest, mix in circular motion
4. when u no longer see the flour, press & spreah out the batter against the side of the bowl, scoop batter from the bottom and turn upside down. repeat 15 times
5. pour batter into pastry bag with a wide-ish tip (depends on size u want ur macarons)
6. pipe out same size circles on baking sheet
7. when done piping, rap/hit the bottom of the baking sheet a few times
8. dry the batter for 30 minutes or more, up to when the surface is no longer sticky to the touch
9. bake with 2 trays stacked (i used 1, but airbake tray helped the feet form (kinda)) in preheated oven @ 375 F for 15-18 minutes

Maccha Buttercream

7 T unsalted butter, room temperature
3 T water
3 T granulated sugar
1 egg
1 t vanilla extract
1 T maccha (green tea powder)

1. microwave the water & sugar for 3 minutes
2. beat the egg until foamy, pour in hot syrup in a thin stream while mixing the egg, mix until white & heavy, quadrupled in size
3. add butter to the egg mixture in 3 batches while beating the mix, add green tea powder, beat buttercream until fluffy & creamy (egg & butter will separate while beating, just keep going)


Sunday, April 17, 2011

「ピロウ ソフト ピーナッツバタとチョコチップクッキ」 pillow soft PB chocochip cookies

i'm drool'n over yummy pillow soft cookies!!! r u?

doughy just the way i like 'em!

cookie vs. tofu!!!

mmm cookie!!!

ate 6 by the time i took out my camera =P

a week ago, i baked about 6 dozens of mini chocolate chip cookies & ate about 6 of 'em (left photo).

i had to resist pig'n out on 'em cos Judy had to take them to her class. so as i walk'd the 11 minutes home from Judy's house with my cupcake book, handmixer & some mixing bowls plant'd in my arms, i decided that i MUST bake some more!!!!!!! went & bought some nestle morsels (chocolate chips) but i got lazy & occupied with other things, so i suppress'd the urges to bake cookies & the cravings to chow them down.

this morning, as i was gather'n things to finally attempt to make French macarons, those "must-have-a-foot!" almond meringue sandwich cookies that intimidate me A LOT, i felt that i had to build up my confidence first by making something i've made many plentiful times. so of course i'd make chocolate chip cookies!

during the week, i came across this recipe, that instantly got saved to my Favorites. usually i just skip thru the chocolate chip cookie photos on tastespotting, but this one call'd to me!!! when it comes to chocolate chip cookies, i'm more of a DOUGH lover!!! my brother asks why don't i just make/buy sugar cookies, i say "THEY'RE DIFFERENT!!!!" talk'n about it, it's gotta be the brown sugar, huh?

anyways, the cookies from this recipe turn'd out pillowy & cakey, just the way i liked.

while i prep'd the dough, i wasn't sure what to expect since it was a bit crumbly & dry, but with some knead'n, it turn'd out better. then when the dough went into the oven, again, i felt uneasy again: 1. the dough didn't heat up & spread out. 2. the dough didn't brown up.

BUT when i took them outta the oven (i never time the baking minutes...), they turn'd out DELICIOUS!!! very cake-like & doughy! YUMMY!!!

i changed the recipe a little bit, but the cookies came out lovely!!!

Pillowy Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chips Cookies

recipe yields about 20 cookies
  • 1 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda (originally 1/8 tsp)
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar (originally 1/2 cup)
  • 3/4 stick butter, softened/room-temp
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 cup Nestle Peanut Butter & Milk Chocolate chips (originally semi-sweet chocolate chips)
1. preheat oven to 350°F
2. cream butter with brown sugar & granulated sugar, add egg & vanilla
4. sift together flour, salt, baking soda & baking powder, stir into butter/sugar/egg/vanilla mix
4. add peanut butter chips & chocolate chips
5. shape dough into 1 inch balls
6. bake 12-15 minutes


[discretionary notice] no pups were harm'd in the photography session of this post. tofupuppy did not consume any cookies! =P

Saturday, April 2, 2011

「タルト大好き」i love tarts!

after making my 1st two tarts on march 6 for our afternoon tea party, i've been addict'd to making fruit tarts. =D these 3 were made on march 26 for the family in NYC. i even carved & taped up 2 "pizza" boxes for the drive. =D

got too lazy to make a 3rd box

tempt'n tofupuppy again with food he can't eat. i'm a meanie!

from our afternoon tea party - tart #1